Page 5 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2018 Final_Neat
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Two new grain elevators Grower Meetings
nearly complete and Tradeshows Did You Know?
Last year, Agriculture and
Our two new grain elevators under meet customer needs in a competitive Over the last few months, we’ve been Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
construction at Wadena, SK and operating environment. We plan to active through a variety of tradeshows conducted its first survey
Vegreville, AB progressed well over the start accepting deliveries there in early and grower meetings across Western on agricultural awareness
winter months and are on track to be August. Canada and parts of the northern US. among Canadians. The
completed on time later this year. survey asked Canadians
In Vegreville, our new elevator will have These events are great ways for us to about their knowledge
and perceptions of the
At Wadena, our facility will have a a storage capacity of 35,000 metric interact with our customers in person and agricultural sector. Among
storage capacity of 34,000 metric tonnes, tonnes, and will also have a loop track tell them about the many ways Viterra other things, the survey
and will be able to load up to 156 railcars with the ability to load up to 130 cars. can help them be successful in marketing found that:
through a loop track. It will revitalize This location will further strengthen our their crops. With end use customers
our presence in the area, and allow us to presence in northeast Alberta and fill a in over fifty countries, trading offices 97% of Canadians view
gap in our asset network. We’re looking around the world, and an industry leading agriculture as important
at being able to take deliveries there in asset network backed by the expertise of to the Canadian economy
early October. our people, it’s important that we keep and 81% hold positive
reminding our customers of the benefits Ray Baloun, Customer Account impressions of it.
of doing business with Viterra. Representative, based in Brandon (left), and However, the majority
We plan to host grand openings at Derek Toothill, Service Desk Agent at the of Canadians (65%) see
both facilities, with local employees, Regina office, were at Manitoba Ag Days which themselves as having little
customers, media and government The facility at Wadena, SK is set to start taking Thanks to all of you that work hard each took place in Brandon January 16-18. or no knowledge about
officials to celebrate these important deliveries in August. year to ensure we maximize our presence the sector.
projects and our significant investments at these events. This yearly event showcases ag expertise, 73% of Canadians
in these communities. technology and equipment that attracts think that research and
visitors from across Canada and the US.
Facility Throughput development plays a
vital role in Canada’s
A crane performs work at the grain elevator at The Many Benefits agriculture and agri-food
Vegreville, AB. While it’s still early in the sector.
year, some of our facilities of Direct Deposit Canadians tend to have
have gotten off to a fast mixed views about the
start with their throughput impact of the sector
From the for the first two months of As many of you are aware, our EFT • Deferred cheques deposited on the environment.
Front Lines 2018. option for producer payments is now automatically on deferral date. More than half of
being referred to as Direct Deposit. • Deferred cheques can be cancelled respondents (56%)
Here are the top 3 facilities This change was made in response and made current without having to believe Canadian farmers
by handle for January and to employee feedback that suggested return a physical cheque. are good stewards of
“I’m looking forward to Viterra opening its new high throughput elevator in Wadena. February that have also Direct Deposit is a more generally the environment, and
It’s a great opportunity to build on its customer service in the area and provide more exceeded their targets to accepted term that would make it easier • No returned deferred cheques almost half (45%) think
marketing opportunities for local farmers. The new facility, along with its great team date: to promote with our farm customers. because bank or CU deposited before Canadian farming is
of people, will go a long way in supporting my business and helping me meet my Please encourage your customers to due date. environmentally friendly.
marketing goals.” participate, and let them know the many • Electronic cash ticket detail – ideal When asked who they
Star 98, 476 MT benefits of signing up, such as: for electronic record keeping. would trust the most
Megan Rumbold • Producer does not have to wait to provide information
about farming, the top
Acheson 81, 417 MT while you to create a cash ticket
Kenzie Farms • No need to pick-up cheques and (especially if you are waiting for an responses were family
then deposit at their bank or credit Jared McCorrister of Team Manitoba.
Wadena, SK union. adjustment approval). (45%), farmers or ranchers
Trochu 81, 266 MT (43%), scientists (38%)
• No lost cheques – no stop payment and AAFC (29%).