Page 6 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2018 Final_Neat
P. 6

Five Questions With                                                                                                        Focus on Employee Programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                By the Numbers

       wEndy shAnd                          what are some of your responsibilities?  part of the team that developed Viterra’s    Please note that employees covered   path or are planning to retire in the near   8.3 B
                                            In my current position as a CAR, I rotate   On Farm Pickup Program.  In my current    under Collective Agreements may      future, our providers can offer objective
                                            my focus to various locations that need a   role as a CAR, I take pride in bringing   participate in programs that differ from   guidance and investment education, as   Having access to pesticides
                                            representative.  So far, I’ve worked with   customers back to Viterra who have not    those outlined below.                well as assistance with the following:   and crops derived from
                                            our locations at Fahler, AB and Raymore,   done business with us in some time.                                              •   Deciding how much to save           biotechnology allows
                                            SK and currently I’m supporting our                                                   VITERRA RETIREmEnT                    •   Adjusting your savings plan as your   Canadian farmers to grow an
                                            North Battleford team.                what do you like best about working                                                       life changes                        additional $8.3 billion worth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of crops every year.
                                            I work closely with our farm customers   at Viterra?                                  sAVIngs plAns                         •   Understanding your comfort with
                                            to purchase grain on behalf of Viterra and  The best thing about working at Viterra is   Thank you to all employees in the      investment risk                     47 %
                                            keep them up to date on world market   the people I work with and the customers       defined contribution pension plan                                             Canadian farmers
                                            trends and marketing opportunities.    I do business with.                            who were able to attend one of the    •   Explaining your plan’s investment   produce 47% more grain
                                            My other duties include scheduling    I grew up on a farm and my family still         pension education sessions recently       options                             thanks to pesticides and
                                            deliveries, establishing and managing   farms, so my job brings me back to my         facilitated by Great-West Life. We hope   •   Creating a retirement income    biotechnology.
                                            grain contracts, and working with our   roots.                                        you found the sessions educational and    strategy
       what is your role with Viterra and how   elevators to get grain needed to load                                             informative. If you would like a copy of                                      125 m
       long have you been part of the team?  trains for export.                                                                   the presentation, please send an email to                    •   Helping you make your money last     Pesticides and plant
       I have been with the company for the last                                  what do you like to do in your spare                                               biotechnology allow farmers
       10 years.  Last fall I started a new role as                               time?                                                                                Viterra’s retirement savings providers can   to spend less time driving
       a Customer Account Representative and   what work accomplishment are       Spending time with family and friends.                                               be reached at the numbers below:         on their fields, which results
       before that, I worked in logistics for 8   you most proud of?              I also enjoy golf, paddle boarding, slow                                             Viterra Canada employees:                in fuel savings of more than
       years and accounting for 2 years.    When I was in logistics, I was proud to be   pitch, running, reading and travelling.  If you are planning to retire in the                                          125 million litres, an increase
                                                                                                                                                                       Great-West Life
                                                                                                                                  near future, take a moment to                                                 of carbon sequestration
                                                                                                                                  review the retirement checklists                                              by almost four times and
                                                                                                                                                                       Viterra UsA employees:                   a reduction in greenhouse
                                                                                                                                  which can be found in the                                                     gas emissions by almost 30
       From the Archives                    by the City of Regina, as it is the only   facets to the project, including masonry   Retirement Planning section of       1-800-233-2881                           million tons every year!
                                            remaining pre-World War I structure of its  restoration, window rehabilitation, and
                                            kind in the city.                     installing a virtual air barrier system         OurPlace.                                                                     91 %
       Our Regina office was initially                                            to conserve energy.  Viterra received                                                If you are planning to retire in the near   Canola farmers would need
       constructed in 1913 as the Sherwood   The heritage building recently underwent  municipal and provincial awards                                                 future, take a moment to review the      the equivalent of 14 million
       Department Store.  Viterra took over the   an external restoration externally,   recognizing the success of the project by   If you were not able to attend one of the   retirement checklists which can be found   football fields to grow the
       space in 1924, and added a six floor office  supported by tax incentives by the City of  preserving a key piece of local history,   sessions, and you have questions about   in the Retirement Planning section of   same amount of canola as
       tower in the late 1960s which was later   Regina, to preserve its historic look and   while implementing modern innovations   how your account is invested or your   OurPlace. Reviewing these checklists will   they do now without biotech
       expanded to eleven floors.  The original   keep it consistent with the way it looked   to make it more energy efficient.   retirement options, please remember   help you gain a better understanding of   crops — that’s 91% more
       building has been granted heritage status  over 100 years ago.  There were many                                            you can contact your retirement savings   the steps you need to take and the benefit   land.
                                                                                                                                  provider at any time and receive     and/or pension providers you may need    10 yrs
                                                                                                                                  information free of charge. Whether   to contact.
                                                                                                                                  you are just starting out on your career                                      The plant science industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                spends up to 10 years and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                $195 million ($150 million
                                                    Regina head                                                                     HAS ONE OF YOUR FELLOW EMPLOYEES                                            U.S.) to develop and ensure
                                                    office in 1926.                                                                                                                                             the safety of a new plant
                                                                                                                                    ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT                                          biotech product before
                                                                                                                                    AT YOUR WORKPLACE OR IN YOUR COMMUNITY?                                     bringing it to market.

                                                        Regina head                                                                 Contact and share your story and
                                                        office today.                                                               we’ll include it in an upcoming edition.                                    Source: CropLife Canada

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