Page 7 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 28 2023 (Final)
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2022-23 Viterra scholarships

       During the 2022-2023 school year, Viterra   •   Confederation College      I have repaired numerous other cell phones
       provided 58 scholarships at nine different   •   University of Regina      owned by family and friends. I got a job at
       post-secondary institutions across the                                     fourteen and saved up for two years until I
       prairies. These scholarships support   Viterra is proud to make a positive   could build my very own PC. It was a dream
       students in a variety of programs ranging   impact in our community through our   of mine ever since I got into electronics.
       from agricultural diplomas to skilled   scholarships program. One student who   When I finally arrived at post-secondary
       trades and business programs. Through   received a Business Information Systems   school, I knew I wanted to open an
       our program, we’re proud to support   scholarship at Saskatchewan Polytechnic   electronic repair business. Unfortunately,
       students across Western Canada and   provided this testimonial:            funds for my education are quite short
       raise awareness about our industry and   “I would like to thank Viterra Canada for   even with student loans. I struggle often to
       the wide range of career opportunities   the opportunity to receive this scholarship.   make ends meet and pray I have enough
       available within it.                 Since I was five years old, I was into   to last me until the end of the year, but at
       The post-secondary institutions that   technology. Everything from TV’s to   the end of the day, I know I have to keep
                                                                                  focused on my schooling no matter what.
       offered Viterra scholarships this year   computers to playing with the cool settings   My grades are not the highest in my class
       were:                                on my mom’s Blackberry phone. I saved   as I do struggle with a few mental health
                                            up and bought my first phone when I was
       •   Saskatchewan Polytechnic         twelve and shattered the screen about a   issues that make it more difficult for me to
       •   Olds College                     year later. Since neither my parents or I had   stay on track and motivated, but I always
       •   Lethbridge College               the money to replace the phone, I decided   give it my all. This scholarship will help me
       •   Northwestern Polytechnic         I was going to fix it myself. I successfully   so much and I will forever be grateful to
       •   Lakeland College                 repaired my phone screen at the age of   receive this amazing award. Once again,
       •   Assiniboine Community College    thirteen and have been obsessed with   thank you so much for this opportunity
       •   Red River College                tearing electronics apart since. Since then,   Viterra.”

       Long service & retirements

       Congratulations to Jacques Leblanc, who   After more than 35 years with Viterra,   On June 2, after 26 years with Viterra,
       is a grader at the Rosetown facility, on   Vicki Paysen retired on May 31. Vicki   Willie Guraliuck retired. Willie started his
       celebrating 45 years with Viterra in April!   started on September 3, 1987 as a   career with our company on August 4,
                                             temporary file clerk. On October 1 she   1997 as a casual employee in building
                                             was promoted to a Steno I and remained   maintenance, and for almost 15 years,
                                             in that role until 1994. In 1994 she joined   he served as Manager, Building Services.
                                             the HR team, taking on many different   Over the years, Willie has consistently
                                             roles on the team over the next 28+   provided outstanding service to
                                             years, including working in employee   customers and staff in our building, often
                                             and labour relations as the Employee   going above and beyond to help people
                                             Relations Coordinator. Vicki retired from   out. Willie’s kindness, work ethic, and his
                                             her Executive Assistant role, a position   dedication will be missed.
                                             she has held since 2013.
                                                                                  We thank Vicki and Willie for their
                                             Vicki was the foundation of the HR team   contributions to Viterra and wish them all
                                             for nearly three decades; her knowledge   the best in their retirements!
                                             and experience with our organization is
                                             extensive and it was common to have
       Jacques Leblanc, 45 year long service   discussions end with “We better check
       award celebration in Rosetown.        with Vicki”.

               Has one of your fellow colleagues                           We want to hear from you!
            accomplished something significant at                   We want to make this a quality newsletter that is
            your workplace or in your community?                   engaging and informative. If you have comments to
                                                                   share on this issue or if you have a story idea for an
          Contact to share      upcoming edition, please reach out to us anytime at
           your story and we’ll include it in an upcoming edition.

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