Page 8 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 28 2023 (Final)
P. 8

Community investment corner

       The 45th annual Canada’s Farm Show   in a hands-on activity through Ag in the
       took place June 20-22 in Regina, SK with   Classroom’s thinkAG Expo.
       Viterra returning as presenting sponsor
       for the 16th year. We were pleased to   New to Canada’s Farm Show this year was
       support this important platform for ag   the Careers in Ag event which took place
       innovation, collaboration and education   on June 22, where Viterra’s Calla Reis
       again this year.                     and Robyn Chapman had the opportunity
                                            to connect with secondary and post-
       Kyle Jeworski kicked off the Farm Show   secondary students interested in learning
       speaking at the President’s Reception on   about careers in agriculture.
       June 19.
                                            Thank you to everyone who worked at and
       Viterra’s booth was visited by many   visited our booth and helped to make the
       people over the three days, with over 150   event a success!                Grade 5-6 students take part in a hands on
       local grade 5-8 students participating                                       activity at the Viterra booth through Ag in
                                                                                             the Classroom’s thinkAG Expo.

       Kyle Jeworski, CEO of Viterra Canada kicked off Canada’s Farm   Robyn Chapman, Manager of Country Grain Marketing and
       Show at the President’s Reception on June 19.           Calla  Reis, HR Advisor, network with secondary and post-secondary
                                                                                         students at the Careers in Ag event.


       We have partnered with Canadian                                               FOLLOW US!
       Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) through our 8th
       annual growing project land donation.
                                                                                     We regularly
       272 acres of land have been committed                                         feature community
       at our facilities in Balgonie, Grenfell, and
       Raymore, SK and Lethbridge and Trochu,                                        investments, corporate
       AB. Producers in the area volunteer their                                     achievements
       time, expertise and resources to grow                                         and other
       and harvest crops, with the proceeds
       supporting the work of the Foodgrains                                         accomplishments on
       Bank around the world.                                                        our social channels.
                                                                                     Follow us on Twitter,
       Viterra further supports the CFGB by
       donating $5 for every tonne donated to                                        Facebook, Instagram
       the CFGB, with producers receiving a                                          and LinkedIn and stay
       tax receipt for their donation.          Seeding at the CFGB site in Raymore, SK.

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