Page 4 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 2019 FINAL
P. 4

Annual Customer Account Rep Meetings a Success

       Our annual CAR meetings took place   sessions focused on topics such as how
       last month, with our Customer Account   to best leverage our tools to serve our
       Representatives (CARs) coming together   customers better, customer segmentation
       from across Western Canada and the   and data gathering.
       US to take part in a full day focusing
       on driving the procurement side of the   The day was capped off by a presentation
       business and supporting Viterra’s overall   by Peter  Tustin, who oversees Glencore
       success with farm customers.  The    Agriculture’s global oilseeds portfolio
                                                                                                  in Rotterdam.  Peter
                                                                                                  provided an overview
                                                                                                  of Glencore Ag’s
                                                                                                  global operations, as
                                                                                                  well as an outlook on
                                                                                                  global canola markets.

                                                                                                  Photos left to right
                                                                                                  then above:
                                                                                                  •   East Region
                                                                                                  •   West Region
                                                                                                  •   Central Region
                                                                                                  •   US Region

       Listening to Our Customers

       We held our most recent customer forum  Ongoing dialogues with valued customers
       meeting a couple of weeks ago in Regina.   are essential for Viterra in terms of making
       Our forum is made up of ten farmers   sure that we are prepared with the products
       from across Western Canada who       and services that our farm customers require.
       get together twice a year with Viterra   As our industry and farming operations
       leadership to exchange information on   grow and change, we must be able to adapt
       how Viterra is serving its customers   and keep pace with changing trends.  These
       and where there are opportunities for   forum meetings are a great example of our
       improvement.                         dedication to customer service and focus on
                                            continuous improvement.

       Moose Jaw Rescue

                                                                                 couple of weeks, and went to the facility
       On February 27, a third party trucker   of the defibrillator to use on the driver   to express his gratitude to the team for
       delivering to our Moose Jaw facility   while Tim headed out to the intersection   their quick action in helping him during
       collapsed on the ground in our yard. Tim   to direct the ambulance to the proper   those critical moments.  The staff was told
       Kristoff, Facility Operations Manager,   location.  Moose Jaw ambulance and   that his chances for survival without their
       proceeded to the site with Viterra’s   police arrived on scene soon after,   efforts and the use of the defibrillator
       defibrillator while Brett North (Assistant   where he was transported to the local   were extremely slim.  Great job to those
       Mgr.) was already on site to provide CPR.   hospital, then to Regina by STARS.  He   involved for taking the right steps to help
       Anthony McDowell (FA 2) took control   was released from the hospital after a   in a high pressure situation.

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