Page 6 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 2019 FINAL
P. 6

Jim Debruyne Retires After Nearly Five Decades

                                             managers on holidays or sick leave. I   pulling in the same direction, you can
                                             was bounced around from Carievalle, to   achieve so much more than working
                                             Hirsch, to Estevan as a helper. I finally   alone. Any obstacle can be overcome
                                             ended up in Benson as an assistant   through team effort and everyone feels
                                             agent. I spent a year and a half in   they have contributed. I’ve also learned
                                             Benson, then took the agent position in   how important it is to treat everyone
                                             Browning after Benson. This was a single  with honesty and respect, from fellow
                                             man station. We were called agents then   employees to customers.
                                             (not managers). After a year in Browning
                                             I was then transferred to Tribune. I spent   What is your biggest career highlight?
                                             10 years in Tribune as an agent and had   Probably having the opportunity to
                                             an assistant and a helper there. It was   work with so many good people.  I have
                                             while I was in Tribune when computers   mentored a few employees in my career
       Jim Debruyne, Customer Account        were first introduced in the grain   and have been mentored by employees
       Representative at Weyburn, recently   industry.                           myself.  I discovered over the years that
       retired from Viterra after a whopping 47                                  you are never too old to learn.  The 47
       years of service.  We had a chance to sit   After 10 years in Tribune I was transferred   years I have spent with the company has
       down with him on his last day to ask a   to Midale as manager and stayed there   been very enjoyable, and it’s gone by
       few questions and have him reflect on his  for 12 years. I then took a position as   so fast.  I still enjoyed my work when I
       career.                               an area manager in Weyburn to fill   retired but felt it was time to move on.
                                             in for the person who took a leave
       What location did you begin your career   of absence. After that I took on the   What are your plans for retirement?
       with Viterra at?                      position of Manager of Marketing and   I love fishing, hunting, golfing and
       I started with the company on April 24,   Logistics for the Weyburn, Moose Jaw,   should be able to keep busy doing this
       1972 at Outram, Saskatchewan. I had   Balgonie, Davidson areas. I spent a few   along with following my grandkids with
       worked in the oilfield for a few months   years in that position.  Lastly, I took   their hockey, soccer and ball careers.
       before that. When road bans came on,   on the position of Customer Account   I enjoy all sports so won’t have a hard
       the oilfield slowed down and I was asked   Representative, spending 18 years in that   time finding something to watch. My
       if I wanted to help out for a bit at Outram.   role.                      wife and I are not big travelers, although
       I had no idea at the time that 47 years                                   we do like to take 2 or 3 weeks in the
       later, I’d still be with the company.  What are some of the key things you’ve   winter and go to a warm destination. We

                                             learned in your career with Viterra?  also plan to spend some time exploring
       What other roles did you have over the   I’ve had a chance to learn so much   the rest of Canada. There is so much to
       years?                                over the years. Probably the one main   see in our own country that we haven’t
       After a few months at Outram, I went   thing that sticks out in my mind is the   seen and we’re looking forward to some
       around from place to place filling in for   value of teamwork. When everyone is   adventurous trips.

       Gord Robbins Retirement
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       We had another long term employee recently                                          We regularly feature
       retire as Souris Facility Operations Manager                                        community investments,
       Gord Robbins decided to call it a career after                                      corporate achievements and
       42 years with Viterra.  The team at Souris got                                      other accomplishments on
       together on his last day to recognize his many                                      our social channels.  Follow
       years of service and wish him well.  Featured                                       us on Twitter, Facebook,
       in the picture back row L-R Larry Chambers,                                         Instagram and LinkedIn and
       Rigby DeVos, Santiago Pozo, Trevor Peters.                                          stay connected.
       Front row Eunice Benson, Gord Robbins and
       Stacie Poirier.  Missing from picture Matthew
       Houston and Bill Douglas.

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