Page 9 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 2019 FINAL
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Viterra staff from the Regina office Viterra and the Canadian Foodgrains
participated in the 24th KidSport Bank have extended their partnership
Corporate Challenge, raising funds to to help hungry people in developing
help children and youth from families countries. For the third year in a row,
facing financial obstacles participate in Viterra has provided access to land
sport. Two teams entered the challenge around its terminals at five locations that
and in the weeks leading up to the event, have been seeded on behalf of the CFGB.
they collected money through jeans days, These include Lethbridge, Trochu, Stettler
raffles, candy sales and 50/50 draws. Viterra teams ‘Scared Hitless’ (above Raymore and Grenfell. Volunteer farmers
On May 25th Viterra’s teams competed right) and ‘Beach Please’ (below right) and growing projects from each location
against other teams from businesses competed in the 23rd KidSport event. are donating their time, expertise and
across the city in a variety of sports and resources to farm the various plots of
fitness challenges. land. When the crops are harvested, the
proceeds from the sale of the crop are
Through the generosity of Regina office donated to the Foodgrains Bank, and
employees with matching funds from used to fund hunger response projects
Viterra, over $3,000 was raised overall. around the world.
Congrats to everyone involved on
running a great campaign! “One of the main challenges we hear
from farmers wanting to donate a crop
WEARING PLAID FOR DAD to the Foodgrains Bank or to start a
Viterra proudly participated in Plaid growing project is the issue of land,”
for Dad this year in support of Prostate says Foodgrains Bank executive director
Cancer Canada. On June 14, staff at Jim Cornelius. “2019 marks 30 years
several locations supported the cause of Canadian farmers coming together
by wearing plaid and raising or donating to collectively grow crops for the
money to support this worthy cause. So Foodgrains Bank on donated or rented
far this year, we raised $2,751 which was land. It’s creative support like this from
matched by Viterra for a total of $5,502! Viterra that will help growing projects
continue being a successful avenue for
Prostate Cancer Canada will use the Canadian farmers to create positive
funds raised for the development of Growing project in Stettler, AB change in the world for another 30
programs related to awareness, public years,” he adds.
education, advocacy, support, and
research in the prevention, detection,
treatment and cure of prostate cancer.
We want to make this a quality newsletter that is engaging and informative. If you have comments to share on this issue or
if you have a story idea for an upcoming edition, please reach out to us anytime at
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