Page 4 - Hanes x Wolfpack
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Overcrowded category with no real differentiation in brand
Hanes is a true legacy power brand - well known, positively recognized, messaging from power brands and their competitors.
and a long-time leader of its category.
Continuing this legacy through to new generations starts with both
the ability to differentiate our voice from other category leaders and to 20% of cosumers say brand loyalty
connect with millennials and Gen Z in a way that gets them to care. influences underwear purchase
At the core of our solution is our promise to share Hanes’ Truth - the
one significant thing to Hanes that no other power brand in the space Underwear is not a top-of-mind purchase consideration
can say. for consumers.
For 118 years, Hanes has been unapologetically themselves.
Rooted in authenticity, Hanes embodies comfort and confidence while 45% of consumers have not purchased
empowering individuals to feel capable to achieve anything. underwear in the past year. BRAND & CATEGORY CHALLENGES
Highlighting this truth provides an opportunity for Hanes to establish an
emotional connection that extends beyond fulfilling a functional need.
Millennials and Gen Z search for brands whose values align with their Emerging DTC brands with a unique and fresh perspective
own - they want to genuinely support what brands stand for, not just buy have caufht the younger generation’s attention by
what brands sell. Being able to easily decipher between inauthentic and capitalizing on digital resence and personalization.
genuine brands better than any other generation, we call them “The BS
10.4% decline in underwear sales from
Our strategy creates a conversation that exposes the unrealistic and category leaders
exclusive expectations brands continue to construct throughout the
underwear industry. We are inviting “The BS Detectors” to take a stand
95% is declining in younger generations
with us to fight against what we call exclusive inclusivity. Hanes brand awareness but share
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