Page 6 - Hanes x Wolfpack
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“ Underwear is a When purchasing underwear, consumers are looking for comfort,
32 functional need, fabic, and price above the design or brand of underwear.
305 not an extension However, through primary research we found that half of
Survey Focus Group of consumers’ consumers are loyal to one brand of underwear. When asked for
Respondents Participants the brand they were loyal to, the top four brands were Victoria’s
wardrobe. ” Secret/PINK, Aerie, Hanes, and Calvin Klein.
Social 19 Paried- 11.1% Other Opinions of the brands
in the industry has
Listening comparison Calvin Klein 4.6% 8.5% Aerie continued to change
Hanes 8.9%
765 Tests 16.1% Victoria’s Secret/PINK in recent years as
Simmons Millennials and Gen Z
OUR Remote 6 No brand loyalty 50.8% have resonated more
Data Points
with body-positive
messaging as
Reports opposed to sex appeal. This is particularly true among women. According to a Mintel study, CATEGORY INSIGHT
METHODS In-store this figure rising to 73% among 18-24 females,” who are right in our target audience. Aerie is
“56% of women would buy more clothes from a company that uses real women in its ads, with
a huge supporter of this movement, shown through their #AerieREAL advertisements, which
include photos of real women who have not been photoshopped.
On the opposite side of this spectrum are brands like Victoria’s
Secret and Calvin Klein, two of the market leaders. They
THE celebrities such as Mark Wahlburg, Justin Bieber, and Kendall
emphasize sexiness within all of their advertising and select
celebrities in their advertisements. Cavlin Klein has featured
Drive awareness and shift Hanes’ perception amongst only the most toned and traditionally attractive models and
millennials and Gen Z by speaking beyond functionality ASK
and comfort to emotionally resonate with them. Jenner. Victoria’s Secret has created their own celebrities by
hosting a yearly fashion show which features Victoria’s Secret
of beauty are not as enticing anymore to our target.
3 Angels strutting down the runway. These unrealistic standards 4