Page 11 - Hanes x Wolfpack
P. 11

Product: Hanes underwear
             Target Audience: YSG’s both male and female.

             Main Message: The comfort of Hanes underwear                                         CREATIVE
 Confident Cayla  You’ve asked us   gives you confidence.

 Cayla is very particular when it comes    to target YSGs,   Reason to Believe: Hanes has a 118 year reputation
 to purchasing a brand. She wants   but after our   of being incredibly comfortable.

 brands that empower women and   research we call   Insight: Many of the big players in the underwear         BRIEF &
 inspires them to be the best version   this group BSDs,   industry are attempting to be sexy, using

 of themselves. She does most of her   BS Detectors,   unrealistically beautiful people, all the while Hanes
 shopping online, but will also purchase   a segment of   has remained focus on comfort.
             Big Idea: To launch a campaign against the over-
 underwear from department stores   stylish Gen Z   sexualized underwear ads of the competition, like  SUMMARY
 when she goes to the mall.   and Millenials
 who’ve grown up   #mycalvins and Calvin Klein’s seemingly perfect

 being inundated   models.
 with more   Execution: #OurHanes

 advertising than
 any generation
 Relaxed Ryan  before them, and   The #OurHanes campaign pokes fun at the other major players in the underwear industry by

 Ryan doesn’t care much about   because of this   focusing on the famous #mycalvins campaign which features scantily clad models and celebrities.
 the brands he wears. He is more   can immediately   #ourhanes is a satirical critique of the unrealistic beauty standards these companies push with their

 concerned about the comfort that the   sense which   advertising. This critique, while satirical, has real benefits to Hanes underwear and its place in the
 product provides him. He shops at   brands are lying   market. By positioning Hanes as body positive, Hanes’s competitors will become “body negative” in
 mass retailers and buys what he sees   to them and which   the eyes of consumers. Not only this, but the ads also seamlessly push forward the idea of comfort

 first. Often his mom ends up buying   are being real.  coming from confidence. Hanes not only gives you incredibly comfortable underwear, but it can give
 underwear for him and he has little say   you the confidence to be yourself, not some perfect model walking a runway. Hanes is and always

 in what brands she buys,   has been about comfort, therefore the #ourhanes campaign will use the body positive movement to
 but he it doesn’t bother him.  YSGs /   finally establish the ever sought after emotional connection with YSG’s all underwear companies are
           looking for, and it will do so without having to reposition the brand at all.
 The BS Detectors

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