Page 12 - Nutshell 1
P. 12

Horatio  was  emphatic.  “Now,  don’t  tell  me  a  supertanker  ran
      aground in Marina del Rey. I’m not interested. I’m through working for
      the petroleum industry: do you know what kind of thanks we bacteria get
      for cleaning up their little messes?”
          Bloom recognized a rhetorical question, and remained silent. Horatio
      was slow to anger, but a sensitive topic had been broached.
          “I’ll tell you,” ranted the indigo bacterium. “They are turning us into
      oil! That’s just too much to bear! Eating oil? Not the tastiest meal, but we
      can suck it up for the man. And now they want to make us into what we
      were forced to eat! No, I won’t lead my team into another big slick for
      those industrialists!”
          “It’s not that.”
          Horatio was brought up short. “No? Then what is it?”
          “The red tide.”
          The  elder  alga  wobbled  in  mirth.  “Oh,  you’ve  got  to  be  kidding,
      Algie. That’s just a seasonal blight on the seascape. Has someone been
      kidding you?”
          “No,  I  tell  you:  this  time  it’s  different.”  Bloom  was  adamant.
      “They’re coming fast: a fleet a hundred times larger than any we’ve ever
      seen. Something out there is making them multiply like crazy. Maybe a
      pollutant. Maybe warmer water. I don’t know: I don’t have enough brain
      cells  to  think  in  a  straight  line.  But  if  they  reach  the  coast  it  will  be
      disaster for all of us. They’ll suck all the oxygen right out of the water!”

          Horatio stirred nervously. His cohort was beginning to take notice of
      the disturbance in their idyllic existence and was drifting closer.
          “Well, even so, they are a disorganized rabble. As soon as they hit
      some  cross-currents near land they’ll  break  up and disperse. There are
      some treacherous waters along California.”
          Algie  did not budge.  “I wish you  were  right. But they have a new
      leader, and she has whipped them into shape.”
          “Who’s that?”
          “Rhoda Fighter.”
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