Page 13 - Nutshell 1
P. 13

Horatio turned a deep ultramarine. “I thought Rhoda perished in the
      screws of a cruise ship. It’s a risky business getting in the path of those
      juggernauts simply to bathe in their effluents. But that report was wrong,
          Algernon Bloom bobbed and weaved in the sluicing tide.
          “Right. She found refuge in a small flotilla of wandering red bacteria
      and soon turned them into a huge invasion force. I learned about it from
      Max  Plankton:  he  is  constantly  on  the  alert  for  changes  in  the  sea.
      Anyway,  that  gigantic  blob  is  heading  this  way.  I’ve  been  warning
      everyone I can. But nobody understands the danger—they can’t believe
      how destructive it will be. That’s what comes of living in these isolated
      colonies: rumors about the outside world are exaggerated or downplayed.
      I’m lucky to have found you, Horatio! You know about the red tide.”
          “You bet I do, Algie! Nothing will be left alive along the coast if they
      arrive in a tightly-packed mass. And I’ve heard enough.” Horatio turned
      to  the  azure  assembly  quivering  expectantly  behind  him.  “We  have  a
      mission, gang! No more floating around contemplating our chloroplasts.
      Are you ready?”
          “Yeah! Better dead than red!”
          “Let’s rock off this rock!”
          “Action! We want action!”
          Horatio  reviewed  his  troops.  He  knew  the  value  of  a  small,
      disciplined, loyal group. “We leave immediately, on the next wave out of
      here. I’ll explain the plan along the way. Let’s go west, young algae!”

          Then he said to Bloom: “You might as well stay here, good buddy.
      We’ll be back when it’s over.”
          And they were gone, sluiced out to the open sea. Algie was left alone
      in the pool except for an ancient starfish clinging to the bottom.
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