Page 91 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 91

The Vorax

        the  dreaded  status  of  having  nothing—but,  owing  perhaps  to  a
        residual empathy programmed into their psyches, felt obliged to be
        charitable  toward  the  wretched  of  the  earth.  The  result?  Sporadic
        outpourings of aid following natural disasters and refugee-generating
        conflicts,  lasting  long  enough  to  assuage  guilt  but  too  brief  and
        unreliable  to  assure  the  long-term  assistance  necessary  to  get  the
        unfortunates back on their feet and eking out a living.
          Avery Goodman knew how to use that dynamic productively, and
        he spent his modest bankroll on setting up a pilot program in a large
        city with a good supply of both classes of people, relatively rich and
        absolutely  poor.  The  expense  was  in  publicity,  infrastructure  and
        customized software for a database and self-adhesive standard labels
        easily affixed to any surface. It worked like this: almost every canned
        or dry packaged comestible was sold imprinted with a use-by date.
        And  those  were  precisely  the  foodstuffs  people  stored  away  for
        emergencies;  the  government  regularly  urged  the  populace  to  be
        prepared for earthquakes, floods and terrorist attacks, publishing lists
        of  survival  gear  including  sealed  containers  of  beans,  crackers,
        preserved  fruit  and  beverages.  The  usual  outcome  was  a  fitful
        shopping binge after a well-publicized catastrophe. Then those goods
        would  sit  around,  out  of  sight  and  mind,  until  well  past  their
        expiration date and would need to be discarded.
          The  hallmark  of  Goodman’s  plan  was  that  all  parties  involved
        derived  some  benefit.  From  the  point  of  purchase—say,  a
        supermarket—the  buyer  would  take  his  shopping  bag  of  back-up
        food  items  to  one  of  several  reception/distribution  centers;  that
        function  could  be  added  easily  to  existing  locations  for  recycling
        household,  office  and  construction  waste.  There  the  receipt  and
        goods  destined  for  emergency  supplies  would  be  scanned  and
        recorded for return no later than six months prior to the expiration
        date. A list of those goods and a set of labels linking each item to its
        price and return date would be given to the buyer to affix to the can,
        bag  or  box  for  reference.  Goodman  would  send  the  purchaser  a
        reminder ahead of the return date, at which time the unopened items
        would  be  taken  back  to  the  processing  site  and  exchanged  for  a
        receipt entitling the donor to the full original purchase price as a tax-
        deductible  charitable  contribution.  Next,  Goodman  would  donate
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