Page 95 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 95

The Vorax

        this country for years, for just such contingencies. I am here because
        you  have  demonstrated  a  genuine  concern  for  the  poorest  of  the
        poor—and  have  backed  it  up  with  practical  solutions  to  age-old
        problems of famine and devastated habitat. Leave it to us to decide if
        we can afford your services—or, rather, afford not to have them.”
          Avery  scooted  a  bit  closer  to  me,  scraping  his  chair  across  the
        floor to produce a note at which I ordinarily would have winced; but,
        master of self-control as always, I winched my wince into a smile.
          “Listen,  Mr.  Legge,  your  country,  no  matter  how  poor,  is
        undoubtedly rich in one resource: trash. I don’t simply mean garbage,
        but  every  ounce  of  organic  and  inorganic  waste  containing
        hydrocarbons. Some of it goes efficiently  into composting,  but for
        decades the West—and now the industrial giants of the East—have
        been forcefully promoting the export of synthetic goods to the Third
        World  in return for cash crops and minerals.  The results have not
        merely been economic dependence, famine, social disintegration and
        environmental  degradation,  but  huge  suburban  mounds  of  broken
        utensils, obsolete appliances and items of personal and public use in
        various  states  of  decomposition  and  toxicity.  These  dumps  also
        contain  heavy  metals  and  medical  waste,  rendering  them  unfit  for
        human contact to remediate—assuming the will to clean up any of
        these sites existed. They are a festering sore in the body politic, even
        in the United States. Am I right?”
          I had to agree, with just a trace of lingering skepticism sculpted
        delicately  into  ever-so-slightly  raised  eyebrows  and  pursed  lips.  He
        may  have  thought  he  was  building  up  enough  oratory  power  to
        overcome my doubts; I knew he was really not bait wriggling at me
        provocatively but the catch itself joyously swallowing the hook and
        soon  to  be  landed.  I  guess  too  many  successes  were  beginning  to
        spoil  me:  having  mastered  the  art  of  dissolving  sales  resistance  to
        what  I  was  freely  giving  away  to  a  limited  sample  of  unhinged
        humanity  depressingly  in  need  of  it  and  barely  able  to  contain  the
        conviction they deserved it, I was once again cruising along. Hazards
        there  could  be,  and  dangers  there  had  been,  in  dealing  with  these
        brilliant cranks. Nevertheless, the game was worth the candle.
          “So you see,” continued Goodman, in the triumphant tones of a
        geometry  student  having  crossed  the  pons  asinorum  on  a  dead  run,
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