Page 100 - The Myth and the Moment
P. 100


          “Actually,  I  considered  doing  that,  Ham,  but  magnetic  tape
        disintegrates  within  a  hundred  years,  and  requires  a  very  specific
        device to play it back.”
          “Eh? Say what?”
          “Look, Ham: the cat’s out of the bag. Are you the only one who
        doesn’t know what I’ve lost?”
          “Screenplay for one of those shake-and-bake disaster movies?”
          “No, damn it! Not a commodity. A statement. Can you relate to
          “Yeah, yeah, man. A manifesto.  I’ve written a few, myself.”
          “Well, this one wasn’t a political blast. Isn’t this your car?”
          “None other like  it on  the  road.  Let  me get  the tape  and  run  it
        through the camera for you. Just take me a sec. Got to plug it into
        the cigarette lighter. You’re going to love this.  Let me fast-forward it
        to the good part. Yeah. There. Take a look.”
          Hmmm. He’s right, that’s Phil, doing a water ballet with a couple
        of fallen angels, all in their birthday suits. Pan across the back of the
        house for an establishing shot, then zoom right in on the shimmering
        pink blobs. The Dragon Lady would flay him alive were she to get a
        glimpse of this tape.
          “Ain’t that a hoot?”
          “Ham,  your  directorial  talents  are  going  to  waste.  This  is  a
        masterpiece of cinéma-vérité.”
          “I knew you’d like it. Now you see why Phil won’t give me any
        trouble if I tell him to go to hell?”
          “Yeah, guess I do. Okay, Ham. You’re right. I shouldn’t try to walk
        home from here. I was going to take a cab, but they obviously aren’t
        going to pick up an old bum like me.”
          “Hey,  don’t  be  so  hard  on  yourself.  Good  night’s  sleep  and  a
        shower, and you’ll look like new.”
          I’ll  also  be  looking  anew;  but  that’s  my  own  business.  If  he’s
        putting me on and tries to drive anywhere but back to my apartment,
        I’ll threaten to throw his video camera out the window. And off we
        go, at a pretty good clip—not much traffic now.
          “Anyway,  man,  after  Aestheria  figured  out  you  weren’t  hanging
        around her place, she sent me out on your trail. Her idea was you’d
        head for Phil’s place. She wanted me to locate you and call the cops.

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