Page 41 - The Myth and the Moment
P. 41


          Am I all right now?  How could I be?
          “Didn’t you already ask me that? Well, I’m going to take a walk up
        to the police station at Rampart and Temple and get some charges
        drawn up against Kolpak.”
          “You serious? Hey, there’s got to be another way than dealing with
        the police. I mean, Kolpak’s got money.”
          “I’ve got a little bit of cash, myself.”
          “Yeah, yeah, that’s obvious, man. But his long green has to be a lot
        longer than yours, you dig what I mean? And what’s the worst that
        could  happen  to  him?  He  gets  wind  of  your  action  and  burns  the
        evidence in his barbecue; now he’s all set to sue your ass.”
          Oh, no. Justice still needs an eye poked out by the people. Not in
        my lifetime, even if The End doesn’t come. Can you see yourself, a
        guy who’s been scavenging in MacArthur Park, standing hat in hand
        in front of the desk sergeant? Ah, but I could clean up, buy a suit, get
        a lawyer: cash in my chips and play the system. That would definitely
        give Phil enough time to cover his tracks, and destroy my budget for
        The Myth, as well. I’ve got to do something else. What?
          “I see you’ve sobered up to the harsh  realities of your situation,
        Nate. I suggest you talk to the man directly.”
          “You’ve got to be kidding.”
          “Negotiate. Obviously you each have something the other wants.
        Maybe  he  raided  your  candy  jar,  but  that  means  he  respects  your
        talent, dig? You could trade the one you want for two or three that
        only exist in your head right now. That’s what I’d do, anyway, you
          “I won’t deal with that devil.”
          And give him that satisfaction on top of everything else!
          “Just  a  suggestion,  Nate.  You  want  me  to  give  you  a  lift  to  the
        police station?”
          Oh, crap. What do I do now, coach? Take the ball and run, my
          “I  guess  not,  but  thanks,  Ham.  I’ll  take  care  of  this  myself,
        somehow. Got to think it out more clearly. I’ve got no proof, so I’ve
        got no case. Just the fact that half an hour after Phil Kolpak finds out
        where I live, I get robbed. Hardly an accident, wouldn’t you say?”
           “You asking my legal opinion?”

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