Page 44 - The Myth and the Moment
P. 44


          “Got it.”
          Zip! I guess there wasn’t much on the tape. Okay, from the top.
        What a tiny image; put it closer to your eye, dummy. Okay. Pan of
        the park, zooming from the statue down to the orator.
          “What about sound?”
          “Yeah, yeah, it’s got it all. Turn up that dial with the ear stamped
        on it.”
          “—his lies are your truth, that every move you make to get ahead is
        pushing you further and further behind. I tell you all your schooling
        has  been  for  nothing:  you  can’t  think,  you  can’t  speak,  you  don’t
        understand. But you can. And when you do—”
          “Quite a speech, eh, Nate? Pretty good stuff.”
          “What? Let me turn down the sound. Oops. There’s that kid that
        jumped you. Looked to me like he started all that confusion just to
        get  at  this  camera.  Maybe  they  weren’t  junkies,  Ham.  Maybe  they
        were the thieves, and they didn’t want to be photographed.”
          “Now that’s the silliest thing yet, Nate. I’m not saying those kids
        wouldn’t have hit your pad if they’d thought you had anything they
        could sell, but Kolpak would never deal with those types. Naw.”
          Free-for-all  starts,  and  picture  stops,  after  a  wild  glimpse  of  the
        heavens. Nothing but blank tape now. All right.
          “Thanks for letting me see it, Ham. Sorry I doubted you.”
          “That’s okay, man.  I know you’re upset.”
           “But tell me something, Ham. The whole thing seems a little, well,
        amateur. I don’t see a TV station paying for that sort of footage.”
          “Ha! Amateur? I ought to be insulted! Well, I’ll tell you something
        I probably shouldn’t; your curiosity is going to get you killed if you
        don’t  ease  up  on  it.  Dig:  my  clients  don’t  have  quite  the  same
        standards as CBS News. They’re not Americans.”
          “I  think  you  can  pick  up  on  this:  they’re  brothers  from  North
        Africa. Want some insight into American political processes, see? So
        they buy film and videos from a lot of guys like me.”
          “You mean, to show on TV in their country?”
           This is incredible.
          “Oh, I don’t know and I don’t ask questions. You want a TV Guide
        in Arabic delivered to your door by international air courier? I’m on
        assignment, you understand? I’m just a flunky, not an executive.”

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