Page 107 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 107


           While I was working for the smugglers, I was also studying with
        my cousin Yankel, who was a shochet. I was contemplating becoming a
        shochet  myself,  learning  the  laws  of  shechita,  going  with  him  to  the
        slaughterhouse,  where  I  assisted  him  with  the  knife,  stamping  the
        meat, and so forth. I would have been the greatest ornament to my
        mother if I had become a rabbi or shochet, but reading those modern
        books and nearing the recruiting age made me lose interest in such
        things. I thought only of how to get out of military service.
           To be a soldier for three years, torn away from home and society,
        cast away thousands of miles in an isolated corner of great Russia,
        meant  degeneration.  The  Jewish  soldier  was  always  sent  deep  into
        Russia where he was surrounded by the most ignorant and primitive
        peasant boys. He in time became boorish himself, and after service,
        when he returned home, he could hardly marry a girl of the better
        families. So I was very dejected. A discharged soldier seldom married
        a girl of under twenty years of age, the regular age to marry in that
        country. As in other lands, there were some girls who on account of
        some physical defect, being unattractive, or having false pride, were
        left unmarried until their thirties; they were looked upon as the fifth
        wheel to a wagon.
           In  October  1903  I  was  called  to  the  Russian  army.  I  was  then
        twenty-one years old. It was the greatest event in my life, and also in
        the  life  of  my  whole  family.  As  I  was  the  first  male  born  to  my
        parents,  I  was  exempt  from  army  service.  My  parents  counted  on
        that, and they figured to marry me before the recruiting period was
        over. But, in a twist of fortune, it happened that when I was born, my
        parents did not register my birth until two weeks later. A little thing
        like  a  couple  of  weeks  in  that  country  was  of  little  significance,
        especially  with  our  Jewish  brethren.  It  was  six  months  before  my
        recruiting date when my father got busy and went for those papers
        proving  the  legitimacy  of  my  exemption.  He  was  advised  by  the
        government clerk that my claim was illegal. At that period, my father
        had no job and no money; we had barely enough to subsist. He had
        to do the best he could, bringing the case to court, rushing it through
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