Page 106 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 106
A marriage proposition
mother sighed now and then when she looked at me, but she
understood when I told her that recruitment was coming.
There was a girl I liked, my cousin Shifra who lived next door to
me on my grandfather’s property, but I could never tell her I liked
her or wanted to marry her. When I looked at her I felt like a little
boy for whom love and marriage is out of his realm. Shifra was not a
beautiful girl, nor was she smart or vivacious; above all, she could not
read or write. It was a matter of physical attraction: she was big and
strong and well-developed. It seems to me that all the love stories
and romantic dramas by lovesick poets, so appealing in their
portrayal of love, were written for married people rather than for
young inexperienced lovers. The young man and young girl who have
a desire for each other never dream or act like we read in the books.
It is simply a matter of instinct and the law of regeneration which
unconsciously forces the two beings to attract each other.