Page 216 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 216


            [AR’s involvement in Zionist affairs following World War One is noted
           in two small clippings in local newspapers. One brief paragraph, headed
           “L.A.  Man  Gets  Wire  of  Zionist  Success,”  includes:  “A  telegram
           received yesterday by A. Rothstein, who is secretary of the local Zionist
           organization, quotes André Tardieu of the French peace delegation as
           saying,  ‘The  powers  are  united  on  the  establishment  of  the  Jewish
           homeland in Palestine under the trusteeship of Great Britain.’”
                Another  half-column  article  is  titled  “L.A.  JEWS  TO  AID
           MAKING  OF  STATE  IN  PALESTINE:  Delegate  Leaves  to  Attend
           Zionist  Convention  Called  to  Discuss  Plan.” It  begins:  “Representing
           the hundreds of Zionists of Los Angeles, Abraham Rothstein, himself
           one of the most active workers among the Jews of California, left today
           for  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  to  attend  the  21st  Convention  of  the  Zionist
           Organization of America, the formal opening of which is slated for June
                This sudden prominence may have led AR to write articles for the
           local  press,  at  least  one  of  which  was  published  in  his  lifetime.  The
           following  historical  analysis  was  transcribed  by  Fannie  Rothstein  in
           pencil on seven sheets of stationery with the letterhead snipped off.  It is
           likely  that  she  copied  it  from  a  lost  AR  original  rather  than  taking  it
           down  directly  from  his  dictation,  since  the  copy  bears  almost  no
           corrections or deletions—and no evidence of an eraser on the end of
           her pencil. The pages are  not  dated,  nor  is  the  essay  complete.  The
           references to Pittsburgh and Brandeis indicate it was composed around
           1918-20.  If  it  were  published,  no  trace  remains.  It  may  have  been
           supplanted  by  the  following essay,  a  typed  version  of  which  exists  as
           well as the printed newspaper article.]

                                   Our Leaders

          The  Jewish  race,  it  might  well  be  said,  owes  its  existence  to  a
        certain  extent  to  the  fact  that  it  has  always  produced  able  leaders,
        men who directed with a steady hand the Jewish ship of state in many
        lands and different centuries away from being wrecked, shattered and
        swallowed up by the great nations amongst whom we have lived.
           Beginning with the religious leaders, we have Johanan ben Zakkai,
        who founded the great center of learning and religious teachings in
        Yavneh.  Its  influence  counteracted  the  Roman  culture  which  had
        swallowed hundreds of small nations of Europe and Asia. Could any
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