Page 221 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 221


        Jewish state began with the last Jew driven out from the Holy Land
        by Titus. Our national Hebrew poet, Naftali Imber, who wandered
        around the New York ghetto singing his love for Palestine, expressed
        that sentiment in  his song, Hatikvah:  “with the last Jew  is our last
        hope for Palestine.”
           The Jews, unlike other nations who lost their freedom, were torn
        away  from  the  land  of  their  birth,  scattered  the  globe  over,
        persecuted  for  centuries,  and  yet  have  retained  their  integrity,
        character,  language,  and  everything  which  distinguishes  one  nation
        from another. Without a soil or a government of their own, they were
        always  dreaming,  thinking,  praying,  singing,  of  a  future  state.  This
        long desire has preyed on the Jew’s imagination, and he began to look
        for the supernatural, for a messiah who shall take him out of the exile
        and bring him back to Palestine.
           And the messiah came to him, not in the form he dreamed of, but
        as  a  modern  statesman,  Theodore  Herzl,  the  father  of  political
        Zionism.  Like  the  prophets  of  old,  he  foresaw  the  downfall  of
        German  influence  in  the  Near  East  and  British  ascendancy.  He
        therefore appealed first to the Jews and friendly Gentiles in England
        to foster his Judenstaat, the Jewish homeland. The call of our friends,
        the Anglo-Saxons, shall not be unheeded today. Every Jew who has a
        spark of feeling for his race must give a hand to the restoration and
        preparation of Palestine.
           The Jews who live in this free, prosperous, beloved country will
        continue to prosper and be loyal to their adopted fatherland, but like
        other people who are loyal to America and yet have a feeling and an
        instinct  for  their  motherland,  they    must  do  all  they  can  for  their
        brothers over there. The splitting up of Russia into smaller nations,
        thereby dividing the Jews there into smaller groups, has put the Jews
        in this country into the lead in numbers and influence, and the other
        Jews of the world expect them to take up the work in Palestine. In six
        weeks,  Jews  all  over  the  United  States  have  raised  two  and  a  half
        million dollars for the  restoration fund; three million  dollars is the
        goal, and there is no doubt that they will go over the top.
           With  the  help  of  all  Jews,  a  third  Palestine  will  be  established,
        overshadowing the Palestine of the past.

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