Page 308 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 308

Studies: human

        132    Head of a man *
              9” x 7”

        133  Head of a man
              10.75” x 7”

        145  Head of a man
              6.5” x 4.5”

        163  Head of a man
              9.5” x 5.25”

              This  series  of  male  heads  appears  under  the  heading  of
              “studies” owing to its dearth of detail beyond pure anatomy;
              but the fact that it constitutes the largest sequence of similar
              subjects in AR’s work points to significance greater than mere
              practice  and  experimentation.  Most  are  carved  in  stone;  the
              size and shape of the rocks and small boulders he scavenged
              for  sculpting  may  have  suggested  and  limited  their  form  to
              human heads. Or he may have sought the medium specifically
              to realize his conception: if his mind bore the strong imprint of
              patriarchal authority  from his childhood in Poland,  he might
              have  been  repeatedly  recreating  that  image  in  stone,
              unconsciously echoing the  rigidity, intractability  and apparent
              imperviousness of those forbidding elders. Whether as an act
              of  respect  or  catharsis,  sculpting  them  seems  to  have  had  a
              special meaning for AR.

              Further, the heads of pieces in other categories often manifest
              the  same  aspect:  bearded,  frowning,  aged,  stern;  faces
              bespeaking  obligation  accepted,  suffering  undergone  and
              wisdom achieved, in varying measures. It might even be stated
              that  these  heads  embody  and  radiate  the  essence  of  AR’s
              Judaism,  the  heavy  historical  burden  lightened  by  pride  in

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