Page 365 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 365

Portraits: historical

              labeled  as  the  great  Zionist.  If  not  Herzl,  then  some  other
              nineteenth- century prominent Jewish leader may be portrayed

        98   Bust of a man
              7” x 4.25”

              AR  carved  a  classical-style  bust  on  a  pedestal  from  a  single
              piece  of  wood;  the  figure’s  judicial  robes  may  have  inspired
              that format. The man has no beard, so he may well represent
              Justice  Louis  D.  Brandeis,  a  prominent  Jewish  leader  during
              AR’s involvement with Zionism.

        89   The Western Wall
              10.5” x 15”
              Inscription: These are sacred stones (Hebrew, on wall,
                             occupying empty space to left of figures)

        11   The Western Wall *
              9.5” x 9.5”

              AR never saw this famous site in Jerusalem (formerly known as
              the  Wailing  Wall,  before  its  authenticity  as  a  remnant  of  the
              Temple  of  Solomon  was  established),  but  its  political  and
              emotional significance had to be great to a committed Zionist.
              The scale and refinement of the piece differ greatly from those
              of the same  subject in  stone, leading to the  supposition that
              AR  first  wanted  to  represent  the  scene  in  stone  (inevitably
              suggested  by  the  monumental  blocks  forming  the  backdrop
              and focus of the scene), but found the medium intractable and
              returned to his theme later in wood. Thus the crudely-incised
              stone  relief  may  be  considered  a  precursor  of  the  more
              successful realization in wood.

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