Page 13 - Effable Encounters
P. 13

                              (Fantastic Transactions 1, 1990)

          Vince  Lazaretto  picked  his  way  carefully  through  the  wreckage
        littering  every  square  foot  of  the  warehouse  floor.  No  unsatisfied
        customers here, he muttered grimly under his breath. Krud concerts
        didn’t  come  cheap;  Vince  uttered  a  silent  prayer  of  thanks  to  the
        Fates  who  had  steered  him  away  from  promoting  rock  tours  to
        producing rock music for Squirt Records
          Akron  was  the  last  stop  on  Krud’s  triumphant  sweep  of  North
        America.  Record,  tape,  and  CD  sales  had  soared  wherever  he
        appeared—as had arrests for malicious mischief and destruction of
        public and private property. Lazaretto had a delicate negotiation to
        accomplish  at  this  late  hour;  the  A&R  man’s  hand-tooled  leather
        shoulder-bag contained two sets of sketches for Krud’s next album:
        one  submitted  by  the  artist  himself  two  weeks  earlier,  the  other  a
        more  recent  product  of  Squirt’s  stable  of  studio  arrangers  and
        composers. Recording was scheduled to begin in Hollywood in three
        days, and two rather different conceptions had to be reconciled.
          Vince kicked aside the remnants of a flimsy folding chair blocking
        his path to the star’s dressing room. The scattering debris clattered
        against  the  rough  concrete  floor;  an  echo  from  the  rafters  of  the
        industrial-district  structure  bounced  about  the  deserted  enclosure.
        The  roadies  would  be  back  in  the  morning  to  dismantle  Krud’s
        elaborate  stage  and  sound  system,  a  dark  hulking  assemblage  of
        jointed girders,  towering amplifiers, and miles of draped green and
        purple bunting. The concert had ended an hour earlier, at midnight,
        when the law enforced its curfew by pulling the plug on the band’s
        power supply. All but the most ardently giggling groupies thereupon
        slunk out into the street under the watchful eyes of Akron’s finest.
          Now,  as  Vince  expected,  the  star  of  the  show  was  alone.  A
        limousine awaited him on a side street, its driver dozing at the wheel.
        Krud’s bodyguard sat outside the impromptu greenroom, studying a
        sadomasochistic  comic  book;  he  knew  the  recording  executive  by
        sight, and reached back to rap on the door.
          “Hey, Krud!” he shouted hoarsely. “You got a visitor that ain’t a
        skirt. Should I let him in?”
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