Page 12 - Effable Encounters
P. 12


          The  professor  waved  a  spindly  limb  toward  the  disputed  border
        area. “Once established, the frice would stay in their niche. We need
        not  fear  their  overrunning  our  pond  or  our adversaries’  tree,  since
        they cannot compete effectively in either environment with animals
        totally  adapted  to  those  specific  circumstances.  In  a  few  short
        months, the hostilities would be over; we could disband our military
        forces, and end the nightmare of this costly and protracted war. Isn’t
        it wonderful?”
          General Bullcroak grunted. “So you scientists have gotten to the
        point where you can design any kind of animal you want, eh?”
          The professor eagerly nodded assent, bobbing up and down and
        blinking myopically.
          Well, I’m very pleased to learn about it. My own advisors have not
        kept me up-to-date; perhaps it is time for a shake-up in the general
        staff. Be that as it may, I cannot allow events to overtake us. Now,
        listen carefully to me, professor. I am willing to give you one more
        chance:  if  you  obey  my  orders,  I  am  sure  that  your  treasonous
        activities can be overlooked.”
          Lonestone gulped. “What orders, sir?”
          “First, you must cease meddling in affairs of state; leave policy to
        the military bureaucracy, where it belongs. You did not consider that
        sharing  this  discovery  with  the  other  side  would  have  any
        consequences other than those you desire. That is terribly naive, and
        has upset the balance of power. The mice may, at this very moment,
        be preparing an unpleasant surprise for us in their laboratories. We
        must do the same, now that the cat is out of the bag. So, go back to
        your drawing board, professor, and make me a super-frog.  Here are
        some  preliminary  specifications:  he  must  be  totally  obedient,  easily
        cloned and able to work underwater for hours without food, oxygen,
        or sleep. I have a plan forming in my mind: a way to drown those
        miserable rodents in their nest without totally draining our pond, but
        to do the dirty work I need a kind of frog that doesn’t yet exist. You
        will create him—and soon; do you understand? Not some silly hybrid
        pacifist frouse! Now, get out of here and get to work!”
          Lonestone  sprang  from  the  spot  and  bounded  away.  Bullcroak
        returned to his vigil, surveying the battle-line and wondering, with a
        freshly-inspired paranoia, what move the mice would make.

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