Page 56 - Effable Encounters
P. 56

Kids’ Krusade for Krissendom

        apparent.  Let me explain the situation—Rod. Feel free to interrupt at
        any time.”
          Easton nodded and forced himself to give a higher percentage of
        his attention than usual to what was being said rather than how. The
        folder  was  a  prop,  a  toy,  ultimately  a  surrogate  for  the  currently
        significant member of the mother-father-child triad. Was she holding
        on to it for support or squeezing it with suppressed rage or affection?
        He focused on her face instead.
          “This crisis relates to a story we have successfully kept out of the
        national  press.  But  a  foreign  news  agency  picked  it  up  from  an
        unknown  leak  and  it  will  be  common  knowledge  in  this  country
        within twenty-four hours. We need damage control. Here it is, in a
        nutshell: at least four hundred thirty-seven minors, all U.S. citizens
        between ten and sixteen years of age, have disappeared overseas in
        the  past  three  weeks.  In  most  cases  the  parents  have  kept  quiet,
        fearing  imminent  ransom  demands  and  threats,  or  they  have
        contacted  local  authorities  or  consular  officials  who  follow
        instructions  to  defer  to  American  investigators.  None  of  these
        children  apparently  knew  any  of  the  others,  nor  did  their  parents.
        That  has  kept  speculation  from  escalating  beyond  each  family’s
        concerns. After the White House received word of the first couple of
        dozen incidents, we—through our intelligence assets abroad—began
        a quiet but in-depth probe with the aim of establishing a common
          “How long ago did you discover that factor?”
          She  shook  her  head.  “I  cannot  reveal  any  details  related  to  our
        inquiry. But it boils down to this: every one of the disappeared had
        access to a computer with an internet connection with recent links to
        a  website  called  Kids’  Krusade  for  Krissendom—here  are  some
        screen prints of the relevant web pages.”  She handed Easton a small
        sheaf of paper, each sheet stamped ‘Eyes Only.’  He looked at them
        carefully, in order. “You will have to return them to me before you
        leave  this  room,”  Colonel  Sennick  continued.  “And  don’t  bother
        looking for it online. It has been shut down for several days. But its
        content, as can easily be found through a search, is being replicated
        on dozens of other websites.”
          Easton handed her the images. “What I see is an impassioned plea
        for  youth  to  take  up  the  cause  of  the  Christian  West  against  the

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