Page 59 - Effable Encounters
P. 59

Kids’ Krusade for Krissendom

        Archaeology  and  anthropology  suggest  that  the  reorganization  of
        human  affairs  on  a  larger  scale  of  economic  specialization  and
        political  control  based  on  increasingly  attenuated  and  distant
        oligarchies  was  accompanied  and  enabled  by  the  establishment  of
        patriarchal authority justified by a monotheistic religion and a priestly
        caste supporting and interpreting the divine right of kingship. Slowly
        the world divided into sacred  and profane realms, hastened by the
        application of our large brains to solving  problems.  Genetically we
        did not evolve as a species through this revolution: you and I were
        born into a high-technology environment with the same overriding
        mechanisms in our brains and nervous systems as hunter-gatherers
        living ten thousand years ago.”
          Easton stroked his chin as if in memory of a phantom Viennese
          “Thus we are capable of believing the most outrageous nonsense.
        Before the invention of childhood as a formal status of dependency
        more than a century ago, most young humans had a very good idea
        of the separation of otherworldly and secular concerns because they
        were  integrated  into  the  work  force  at  an  early  age.  It  is  not
        coincidental that the formalization of childhood occurred during of a
        period  of  rapid  intellectual  and  scientific  activity,  an  age  of
        enlightenment  culminating  in  the  twenty-first  century.  But  that
        required  an  even  longer  stretch  of  dependency  in  order  to  gain  a
        formal education. So a reversal started at the dawn of the modern era,
        in retrospect a resurgence of neoteny ironically stimulated by the end
        of the old world of mystical childish illusions conjured in flickering
          “Now, the so-called Children’s Crusades were in fact movements
        of unemployed and displaced rural people looking for opportunity;
        an error in translation led to their participants being misidentified as
        youngsters. The real crusaders were conquerors under the banner of
        Papal  authority,  their  troops  largely  mercenaries.  It  is  no  different
        today: our troops are sent out to wage a holy war: its leaders are in
        search of plunder—or, at the least, of shoring up an untenable global
        economy  of  which  we  are  the  primary  beneficiaries—and  the  rank
        and file consist of foreign and domestic soldiers of fortune plus the
        effectively unemployable and unsophisticated urban poor signing up
        to fight in return for dubious educational benefits. I’m sure you don’t

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