Page 60 - Effable Encounters
P. 60

Kids’ Krusade for Krissendom

        agree, Colonel—but it is my assessment you seek; perhaps someone
        in  your  establishment  has  had  the  courage  to  look  outside  the
        Beltway for alternatives.”
          The  officer’s  face  remained  intentionally  noncommittal.  “Go
        ahead,”  she  said.  “I’m  certain  you  have  the  best  interests  of  the
        victims at heart.”
          “Yes,”  replied  Dr.  Easton.  “At  least  in  the  short  run.  A  real
        Children’s Crusade is possible, indeed likely, today owing to the mass
        psychological experiment in altering consciousness being carried out
        in  the  name  of  technological  and  economic  progress,  a  new
        revolution carried forward by its own dynamic of efficiency, fueled by
        neoteny. I refer to electronic media, Colonel: the means by which our
        huge population is conditioned from infancy to buy, as it were, both
        products and ideas. I call it an experiment because, as is the case of
        pollution of the environment by synthetic chemicals, the effects will
        be  determined  empirically;  scientists  may  debate  the  level  of
        impending  harm,  but  early  effects  are  already  visible  and  may  be
        easily extrapolated. One may see the increasingly effective attempt to
        abrogate the constitutional separation of church and state as a sign of
        the resacralization of daily life. That is combined with the commercial
        media’s  inherent  dynamic  driving  content  down  to  the  lowest
        common denominator in a death spiral dovetailing with neoteny. It is
        no  accident  that  reactionary  fundamentalism  has  overpowered
        progressive rationalism in this country, despite the supposed increase
        in access to information afforded by computers and video. The Old
        Left  is  almost  gone,  and  the  New  Left  is  on  the  threshold  of
        moribundity. Who is going to provide the wake-up call to America as
        we go forward? A generation functionally or willfully ignorant of its
          “Our immediate problem—Rod:  how can this be dealt with and
        explained  to  the  public?”  Sarah  was  cooling  as  fast  as  Rod  was
        warming to the topic.
          “Yes. Sorry.” The doctor’s voice and body language unsuccessfully
        emoted  regret.  “As  for  explanations,  I  can  add  nothing  to  the
        ingenious  scenarios  your  own  counter-intelligence  experts  are
        doubtless  concocting.  I  expect  the  official  story  will  be  a  terrorist
        operation  perpetrated  by  an  enemy  already  set  up  for  just  such
        occasions. This will have a temporary chilling effect on the gullible

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