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Dr. Freud said that            He was fooled—the                 Don’t ask me
            nothing human was            aliens are among us!             anything about it:
                 alien to him.                  I saw them on TV!               that information
                                                                                                    is classified.

             I heard that the            That’s bunk—and those         I will let you know
           Martians destroyed             “canals” are just                definitively after
            their atmosphere              geological features.           I have established a
                in a big war.                                                           military base up there.

         There are no atheists          Just those who have          Praise the Lord and
                in foxholes.                         lost faith in                pass the  ammunition!
                                                        irrational odds.

              Free inquiry is               I hope you don’t mean          He who hesitates is
               necessary for                 that I should doubt              lost. My army is
             human progress!                   what I already                 all-volunteer now.
                                                             believe in.                  No college students!
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