Page 6 - Heads up!
P. 6
God gave us electricity Caesar wasn’t really Even if it is a republic
so we could divine, but he in name only, I am its
eat junk food and understood bread staunch defender.
watch TV all night. and circuses.
We’re always playing I don’t think we’ll ever Well, then, maybe our
catch-up, fighting the see the last war. robot soldiers
last war. will see it.
Medical science needs I don’t care who makes Weaponry is not the
public funding; makes my drugs. I just only technology that
corporations shouldn’t want to be able to makes battlefield
control it. afford them. breakthroughs.
If I am treated So virtue is not its Nothing is in the sky
unfairly in this life, own reward? You but missiles and
I will be rewarded need a slice of pie killer satellites,
in the next one. in the sky? ready for payback.