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P. 9

My home is my castle,         I’ll keep an eye on it         Sir Valance, the near-
            and all that’s in it                    for you.                      sighted kleptomaniac
                   is mine!                                                               knight in body armor!

        You people always want          Qualified answers           If I can keep on living
        simple explanations for              simply dodge                without any solutions,
            complex issues!                   black-and-white                       so be it.

        I’m protecting you, and        I don’t appreciate you        That seems to be a
          you don’t appreciate             sacrificing me to                 fair trade-off.
               my sacrifices.                  protect yourself.

          The government just         It was supposed to be          And civilian control
            wants to take away           of and by the people,          of the military? As
                  my rights!                       so it would be                 useless as diplomacy.
                                                        for the people.
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