Page 19 - Unlikely Stories 3
P. 19

Deus Inspiratori

          The One and Only continued. Inattention was not an alternative.
          “Do  I  permit  pain,  suffering  and  injustice?  Do  I  create  these
        torments and corruptions, out of love for my people to advance their
        beatitude? Or was I unable to prevent their occurrence? Are they an
        illusion,  a  concomitant  of  metabolizing  incarnation?  Did  I  skirt
        responsibility  for  these  evils  by  setting  up  You-Know-Who  as  a
        necessary testing device for blind faith? Or just let it happen?”
          “No!”  cried  some.  Others:  “Yes!”  All  wondered  which  question
        they had so fervently answered, and all subsided upon reflection that
        Monogod’s oratory was rhetorical—just as their own so often was.
          “Where there is no answer, there can be no question.” Monogod
        was definitive. “My point is that mystery is total, or not at all. Once
        you  start  looking  for  explanations  of  the  inconsistencies  in  my
        behavior, you have strayed from the path of true belief and ordained
        righteousness. Your followers may come to you and ask why I had to
        drown  every  living  creature  save  one  breeding  pair,  thus  creating
        recessive genetic traits, the curse of all succeeding generations, when
        only mankind deserved that miserable fate. Or why I set your species
        up in the first place to take over the planet if I knew you were going
        to  make  a  mess  of  it.  Or  why  I  followed  a  divide-and-conquer
        strategy at Babel, setting up the latest catastrophe-cum-opportunity I
        now present you. And, bless your saintly hides, you always have the
        non-answers ready to transform the wavering faithful’s inquiries into
          The great spiritual leaders were bathed in awe, not of Monogod’s
        casuistry, but of being blessed without beseechment. What an honor,
        an  elevation  to  the  highest  level  possible  for  mere  mortals  in  the
        Great Chain of Being!
          “Now we come to the matter at hand. I’ve brought you here to
        give you a heads-up on the coming cataclysm: this time you elders
        will be part of the problem AND the solution! That’s because it is
        happening in relatively slow motion, compared to past resets. Your
        services will  be in demand to make  it all  go easier. Remember: no
        atheists in foxholes! Prophecy will not fail! Business will be good.”
          They had to admit it: Monogod was the best motivational speaker
        ever. Eagerly they awaited their marching orders.

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