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Discount Surgical Center

                          ** Holiday Specials **

      Early birds: Say goodbye to crow’s feet, turkey neck, pigeon toes,  and
      goose pimples. Hello, Spring chicken! Now with Motox Firmoderm ®.

      Been  abroad?  Disjoin  the  foreign  lesions  and  other  topical  diseases.
      *NEW*  Painless  excision  of  traveler’s  tail.  Refractory  Munchausen
      Syndrome cured with unanaesthetized slide-show aversion therapy.

      Try our patented helium injections for weight loss: unused body cavities
      including  the  cranium  will  provide  storage—in  most  cases,  invisibly!
      Time-release sinus-loaded laughing gas no longer offered.

             A DSC exclusive: bone remodeling by Procrustean Solutions ®

       “Plus or Minus” 2-for-1 combo: mix and match! Add to or subtract from
      any  two  organs,  features  or  extremities  of  your  choice.  Fill,  enlarge,
      remodel,  graft,  splice,  or  inject  up  to  6  ounces;  and/or  shave,  abrade,
      ablate,  excise  or  lase  to  within  an  inch  of  your  life!  Sorry:  earlobe
      reconstruction and tattoo removal not part of this deal. ☺

      □ Reserve your space for Rip van Wrinkle Somnotherapy ® (you can’t
      age much if you’re asleep). Guaranteed less painful than calorie reduction,
      telomere tinkering or living in a meat locker! □

      Occupational injuries and conditions treated per Worker’s Compensation
      cost schedule (you pay us, try to get reimbursement from them!): tailor’s
      bunion, clown’s rictus, housemaid’s knee, writer’s cramp, shop girl’s feet,
      miner’s lung, fiddler’s neck, mahout’s callus, plumber’s elbow—and more!
      Fall down on the job? See us!

      Irritated Vowel Syndrome? Put a glottal stop to it! Pop your p’s? Slur
      your v’s? Swallow your g’s? Oral surgeons are waiting to fix your loose
      and wagging tongue.  Dyslingual Misanthropia can also be reversed—
      but you must act now! 21 years of age and under. ☼

      By  appointment  only:  autologous  translipofusion  to  correct  misplaced
      fat—you’re  stuck  with  it,  so  put  it  where  it  will  do  some  good!  (DSC
      coupons from GristleBurger do not apply to this offer)
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