Page 12 - The Gluckman Occasional Number Three
P. 12

Upon his return he telephoned corporate headquarters to tell them
        about  his  wonderful  purchase.  They  told  him  he  had  violated  the
        terms of their agreement: he could only use additives and fillers they
        provided. Therefore his contract was null and void. He had lost the
        franchise. Mac was despondent, and threw the beans on the ground
        behind his shop. The next day he found that they had sprouted, big
        and  fat.  He  picked  some  and  mixed  them  into  his  last  batch  of
        spoiling meat. Then he opened for business and starting grilling.
          Attracted by a magical aroma, customers poured into Little Mac’s
        place,  demanding  to  be  served  his  wonderful  new  burgers.  Mac
        realized he could make a fortune with his magic beans. He waited for
        the remaining plants to mature so he could harvest more beans for
        another crop. But they would not grow beyond sprouts. Mac realized
        Mondomino  had  put  a  spell  on  them,  so  he  went  to  its  gigantic
        corporate office tower.
          He was determined to steal the secret of the sprouts, and sneaked
        up the emergency stairs to Mondomino’s laboratory  on the eighty-
        sixth  floor.  The  security  system  sniffed  him  out  just  as  he  was
        hacking the company computer system to reveal the science of the
        beans. His new friend the sales rep intervened, and promised not to
        have Mac arrested if he would sign a long-term contract to buy what
        he now knew were genetically-altered beans with a suicide gene.
          Mac didn’t like the terms because Mondomino’s sprouting beans
        would cost more than any others he could get wholesale. So the sales
        rep revealed the company’s entire plan to corner the market: all other
        bean  varieties  would  soon  die  off  because  Mondomino  had
        developed its GMO bean in tandem with a powerful new strain of
        resistant  bean  blight  and  a  proprietary  fungicide,  Fynol  Solution.
        Only  Mondomino’s  beans  would  survive  the  blight—if  they  were
        treated with Mondomino’s spray.
          Now Little Mac became certain his fortune was made: he signed
        the  first  big  contract  to  buy  magic  beans.  Soon  he  would  have  a
        corner on the beef-extender market. He went back home, eager to
        start  his  own  franchise.  He  did  not  know  that  Mondomino  was
        breeding a potent new type of acclimatized tsetse fly. All the cows in
        the  world  would  be  wiped  out  except  those  with  the  bum  steer
        gene—also in final trials.
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