Page 106 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 106


            “In  a  word:  yes,”  replied  Rutger  smugly.  “It’s  called  ‘station
          keeping.’ Just a mechanical function; no sweat for a supercomputer.
          And  each  of  those  units  is  in  communication  with  its  neighbors,
          creating a sort of synergy. Again, not difficult for what is effectively
          a  neural  network.  The  brain  of  a  chimpanzee  has  more
            Ignoring the implied insult, Leith persisted.
            “But  something  that  large  could  not  be  expected  to  operate
          through any length of time without failures. Even at one percent
          annually, that would be five million shades going out of commission
          every year. And some of them might fail spectacularly, taking out a
          few dozen of the adjacent units in a chain reaction.”
            “Come,  come,  Leith,”  said  Rutger  patronizingly.  “Surely  you
          don’t  think  this  wouldn’t  have  been  anticipated  and  hundreds  of
          repair and replacement missions ready to go at a moment’s notice,
          do  you?  I  shouldn’t  think  self-testing  and  self-destruction
          capabilities wouldn’t be part of the design. And that rate of failure is
          really a bit high, don’t you think?”
            “Don’t call me Shirley,” muttered Leith Mauker.
            “Let’s not get lost in the minutiae of what, after all, is fictional,”
          said Fred Feghootsky hastily. “Let us work with what is on offer: a
          monumental, global task presented by a monumental global crisis.
          If we can’t find drama in that, we may as well pack it in, folks.”
            “Okay.  Once  again,  analysis  of  possibilities  may  help.”  Izzy
          Azimuth assumed a professorial air. “A decision tree or critical path
          chart  might  expose  make-or-break  points  in  the  implementation.
          One:  how  do  you  get  international  accord?  Sacrifice  is  involved.
          Two: is there a hard deadline? The public has become blasé with
          repeated warnings based on CO2 ppm: that’s the horror of it all, an
          invisible menace striking when it’s too late to stop. Three: just as in
          the  manufacture  of  electric  vehicles,  vast  quantities  of  unwanted
          pollutants  will  be  counterproductively  and  counterintuitively
          released  to  build  the  infrastructure  for  this  equipment.  Will  the
          public sit still for what may be a case of delayed gratification? Four:
          although every plan can have contingencies, not every contingency
          can  have a  plan.  Who  will  be  responsible  for  the  possibly  heroic

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