Page 103 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 103

One Born Every Minute

        would  attend  free,  and  mingle  without  segregation.  It  would  be
        Ringling  Brothers,  Buffalo  Bill  and  Barnum’s  American  Museum.
        Effectively,  this  would  advance  the  cause  of  liberal  education  by
        decades, providing the basis for a multicultural population living in
        civil, political and legal equality. Whether or not such an ambitious
        program would succeed or fail is up to you, Cyril, as higher-level
        puppet master.”
          “Might be nice,” said Fred Feghootsky, shaking his head sadly,
        “but it sounds more like a Depression-era fantasy, Santa Claus ex
        machina. Instead of the Greatest Show on Earth, the country is liable
        to  get  the  biggest  do-nothing  in  history,  outstripping  Buchanan,
        Hayes  and  Coolidge.  We—and  I  refer  to  our  species,  not
        citizenship—are not able to behave rationally in the presence of a
        charismatic  leader,  or  one  with  too  much  authority.  That  is  why
        built-in stasis makes the United States the longest-lasting democracy
        in history. It may well require radical change to conform to its self-
        image, but that is yet to happen. Despite the Civil War, we’ve bent
        instead  of  broken.  Barnum  would  find  powerful  interests  arrayed
        against  him,  as  the  saying  goes:  the  people  occasionally  want  an
        outsider to shake up things, but the pendulum swings back and fire-
        breathing  reformers  end  up  staunch  defenders  of  the  status  quo
        once  in  power.  In  short,  I  don’t  think  the  premise—Barnum’s
        particular  talents  and  personality—could  have  any  interesting
        consequences other than the unforeseen. Maybe that is where you
        could find a denouement striking enough to attract an editor and
        audience. What if Borneo declared war in order to get us to return
        their Wild Man?”
          “Thanks, folks,” said Kornfleck. “You needn’t continue. I’ll be
        back  with  this  once  I  flesh  it  out  a  bit  more.  The  man  and  his
        message are not easily distinguished by most people, so perhaps I
        need to understand the popular mind of that era a little better—as
        well as Phineas T.’s murky motivation. Voters may be born almost
        as often as suckers and aspiring writers—one a minute.”

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