Page 102 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 102

One Born Every Minute

            “That is a hair that didn’t need  splitting,” expostulated Rutger
          Schlager. “Why does this kind of fiction have to be limited to what
          is possible, simply because it has one foot in science? The existing
          body  of  alternate  histories  exists  to  large  extent  because  their
          authors want to make a point about what has happened at crucial
          junctures in the past, either to show how things could have turned
          out a whole lot better or a whole lot worse. True, that is basically
          what we do when we mull over events, looking precisely for those
          historical hinges when ‘what-if’ gets overtaken by our emotion into
          ‘if only’. So this is really fiction as escape, taking advantage of our
          natural inclination to conclude, at the gross level of perception to
          which we are limited, that things could have easily been different.
          As such, it panders to a reader’s base desires for wish fulfilment—
          and  is  therefore  a  really  great  ploy!  I  should  try  it  myself.  World
          domination has always been short-circuited by some tiny flaw, and
          not a tragic one: a technical failure, like the horseshoe nail leaving
          Richard III on foot on the battlefield, or a one-in-a-million sniper
          shot  like  the  one  that  killed  General  Sedgwick  at  the  Battle  of
          Spotsylvania Courthouse. Those examples are simply to point out
          that it is generally the outcomes of great world-changing wars that
          pique  the  interest  of  people,  owing  to  the  obviously  far-reaching
          consequences  of  those  conflicts.  As  for  putting  a  showman  and
          humbugger in the presidency, I cannot begin to conjure up anything
          but outrage.”
            Felicity Tinderstack begged to differ.
            “Oh, no: I think it’s a wonderful proposition: America’s greatest
          showman on its biggest stage. As a reformed bigot, he could use his
          executive power to help fix what in retrospect has proven to be the
          most  refractory  social  problem  this  country  has  faced  from
          inception,  racism.  Instead  of  presenting  human  difference  as
          something  to  gawk  at  and  ridicule,  he  could  form  several  large
          national  circuses  traveling  all  over  the  country,  showing  our
          diversity in set pieces to inform and entertain, just as he was doing
          in his business. They could go from north to south, east to west on
          the  new  rail  lines,  helping  heal  and  reunite  the  country  after  the
          horrors of the Civil War and the botched Reconstruction. Children

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