Page 126 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 126
The Universal Human Interface
effecting the implementation of the kind of semi-utopian world
where some friction exists, but not enough to be catastrophic.”
“I don’t think that would happen any more than the state
withering away under a dictatorship of the proletariat, as Karl Marx
wrote in his best-selling science-fiction novel, Das Kapital.” Rutger
Schlager was not amused, however, even by his own sarcasm. “I
think you have made an assumption about human nature: to wit,
that it would give up all sorts of freedom in order to be hooked into
this interface. But you mentioned friction, Azimuth. That is
precisely what the rebels will provide, by whatever means possible.
There’s already too much of the ‘go along to get along’ attitude in
our world. People may find it more difficult to give up corrupting
luxuries when they are presented as a well-deserved because
optimized distribution of resources. I say rebels will arise, as surely
as their real opposition, the profiteers running the show, will not
willingly give up their own privileges. But we are already back to
Ms. Tinderstack’s ‘Planetary Steward’: it looks like the long shadow
of modern totalitarianism is inescapable. I would love to read,
fantasy though it may be, about a small commando team taking out
the UHI somewhere ahead of the planet’s resources supporting
such an energy-hog are depleted. Then let the world revert to its
pre-Babel hunter-gatherer tribes. At least humanity would get a
fresh start. Down with the reign of the Cyborgias!”
Perversity Tinderstack appeared to savor opposing Rutger.
“Well, that outcome is a typical fight-to-the-death of mutually-
opposite extremes. I’ll admit it appeals to a certain adolescent
mentality, but I think a more interesting aspect of this scenario is
the alternative: humanity mastering and adjusting to a world in
which certain capabilities and communications are facilitated by a
system that presents symbolic information in an optimally practical
and comprehensible fashion. The problem is undoing any unwanted
side effects of the UHI. And that begs the question of whether or
not our species has ever partially undone or rejected a new
technology. It is the same situation with weaponry, right?
Everybody knows nuclear power, if generated responsibly is a social
good; and that nuclear weapons have no possible responsible use.