Page 186 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 186

Investigating the Mystery of the Talking Plant
          “Well, the PKU has a small factory here on Pontenga that produces
        them for export to Bismilla. If  we  didn’t  have  anything  to  offer  the
        Bismillans, we couldn’t get their phroxite.”
          “Phroxite?  Never heard of it.  What— wait a minute!  The  point  is
        that we trade for these crystals on Drast.  What  did  you  say  about
        diving into crater lakes to get them?”
          “Ah, yes.  Didn’t  I  say  that  these  creatures  are  amphibious?  They
        evolved  out  of  very  deep  lakes  on  Drast;  in  their  present  level  of
        development, they can spend part of the day on land, but must return
        to a certain depth for a few hours every so often to maintain their half-
        primitive metabolism.  The young ones have the lung-power to dive all
        the way to the bottom of the craters, but the elders can only go about
          “How deep is that?” asked Kaga.
          “I think about fifty meters,” Lugo replied; “a lot further down than
        any human could dive. At any rate, Dr. Too-Rasoo became a doctor
        when he negotiated the trade agreement for pikary crystals with the
        PKU.  You see, the crystals are like a sort of currency on Drast. All the
        important  life-transition  events—like  birth,  death,  and  marriage—
        require ceremonies that can’t take place without a ritual destruction of
        pikary crystals. The youth have to dive while they’re young in order to
        accumulate  enough  wealth  to  be  respected as  adults.  Whatever  they
        have gathered by the time they become too old to dive is all that they
        can ever get.”
          “But what about the trade?” asked Captain Kaga. “Why  would  they
        sell  us their only tokens of wealth?”
          “A very good question,” said Lugo, “and Dr. Too-Rasoo figures in
        the  answer.  The  original  PKU  mission  to  Drast  discovered,  after
        making the standard geological analysis, that many of the crater lakes
        were slowly silting up. The crystals, as a result, were becoming harder
        to find on the lake bottoms. Drastians of Dr. Too-Rasoo’s generation
        were  feeling  the  pinch;  that  made  it  easier  to accept  the  bargain  he
        made with us.”
          “Which was what?” asked Kaga.
          “Basically, we dredge their lakes in return for a percentage of the
        pikary crystals that we then leave on an undisturbed part of the lake
        bottom and are thus made available to the  divers.  They’re  still  ahead
        on the deal, so all parties are satisfied.”

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