Page 190 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 190

Investigating the Mystery of the Talking Plant
          ‘‘Very funny, Lugo,” said Kaga.  “That  old  amphibian  is  quite  a
        charmer; he’s even got you cracking terrible jokes. Let’s get on to the
        last of these emissaries.  I feel my patience wearing thin.”

        9: A polytheologian

           “I’m starting to get hungry,” said Captain Kaga, as they approached
        the chamber of the emissary of Yo. “I hope this won’t take too long.
        Is the Reverend fond of formalities?”
          “Not  at  all,”  replied  Lugo,  pushing  open  the  anteroom  doors.
        “Especially when he sees someone he hasn’t yet tried to convert.”
          “Oh.Well,  you’ve  got  to  help  me  get  through  all  that  so  I  can
        question him.”
          Lugo nodded resignedly and started the process of transition into
        yet  another  alien  biosphere.  Gravity  increased  sharply  and  the
        atmosphere  turned  hot  and  humid.  Kaga  loosened  his  clothing
        wherever possible and clenched his teeth. The inner door opened.
          Yo, or at least the inhabited portion  of it, was a jungle. Moisture
        hung in the  air,  refracting  a  harsh  mock-sunshine  wherever  the  tall
        thick  vegetation  parted.  Captain  Kaga’s  appetite  was  immediately
        curbed by the rank odor of  rotting flora; he wondered if it were real or
        simulated. From all sides came the pre-recorded sounds of many small
        but vociferous animals. Kaga’s head swam.
          “Reverend Emenoy!’’  called Lugo, peering into the underbrush. “It’s
        Lieutenant Lugo.  I’ve brought someone for you to talk to.”
          They  heard  a  rustling  in  the  leaves  above,  and  a  moment  later  a
        small hairy shape came crashing down to the ground in front of them.
        It  landed  on  five  of  its  seven  limbs,  and  then  readjusted  itself  to
        balance  on  three.  Brown  matted  fur  clung  to  its  face,  occasionally
        sweeping aside to reveal varying numbers of small beady eyeballs. A
        voice  emanated  from  an  indeterminate  location  on  the  emissary’s
          “Gods  above  and  gods  below!  Gods  I  see  and  gods  I  know!
        Welcome,  stranger,  to  my  humble  quarters.  You  see  before  you  a
        messenger of the many,  of whom we  are each one.”  The Reverend
        raised  four  loose-jointed  limbs  and  swung  them  around  like  rotor

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