Page 193 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 193
Investigating the Mystery of the Talking Plant
“Great gods! I most certainly cannot! It was very embarrassing.
There were many humanoids, and maybe some other emissaries, as
well, in that room. I tried again to explain the truth to Bulakko back
here in the corridor after the opening, but he was tired and went into
his quarters right away.”
“Were any other emissaries or staff out in the guest area at that
time?” asked Kaga.
“Ah, let me think; gods help me! Yes, I ran into that Drastian, Dr.
Too-Rasoo, and the Jaleekan, Kortokox. I tried to give them the
message, too. That Dr. Too-Rasoo kept making jokes, but it seemed
like Kortokox was trying to grasp the essence of my teaching. I
arranged to meet her later alone for another session.”
“And what happened at that meeting?” asked Lugo.
“Heavens below! She seemed so logical to me, I was sure she’d
understand. But all she could relate to was her own community of
beings. Now, what in gods’ names is an entity of entities? It sounded
like creeping irrational monotheism to me. Then she suggested the
Languex was at fault and left me standing there.”
“What did you do then?” asked Kaga.
“I tried pounding on the translator buttons to see if any were stuck,
but they all moved freely. I looked around for any other possible
converts and came back to my little home of the gods here.”
“Did you see anyone else on your way back?” asked Kaga.
“Just that old fool, General Sleeth, sneaking around on one of his
nocturnal prowls. Now there’s a tough case, if ever I’ve seen one. I
gave up on him days ago.”
“Reverend, I can’t tell you how inspirational this conversation has
been to me,” said Kaga piously. “I might add that your Languex is in
perfect working order; you needn’t worry that others misunderstand
your intentions. Now Lieutenant Lugo and I must leave you for
another appointment. Thank you very much for preaching to us.”
The emissary of Yo realized that the interview was at an end. He
waved his free limbs in the air again and said, “Gods great and gods
small, I’ll never get to know them all.”
Kaga and Lugo hurriedly made for the exit, and took in deep
breaths of Pontengan air when it began to pump into the anteroom.
Kaga shook his head to clear it, and wiped the sweat off his forehead.