Page 103 - Just Deserts
P. 103
Stiff Competition
“How?” Fetz began writing numbers on a scrap of paper. “We
hope to sell out the first printing; and if we do not, how will we pay
the winners and still be able to skim off enough for our cause?”
“No problem! You should see the deal we cut with those idiots:
like plucking the pinfeathers off a gosling. They had no idea of how
to negotiate in the big city. We almost had to beg them to take an
advance on royalties! But there was no limit stipulated for the first
printing. Therefore, we can hold back distributing the winning copies
until the book has sold over one million units.” He paused and
puffed a swirling cloud of smoke over his co-conspirator’s head. “All
right, maybe release one of them in the first shipment, just to arouse
interest—but no more than that, you understand?”
“That is fine with me,” Fetz nodded. “I will supervise it myself.
But what if the sales don’t meet your quota?”
Andrew Cockleberry extinguished his cigar with vigor. He stood
up. “Then we report that the other winning copies were never
purchased; sometimes nobody wins the lottery, you know. In any
event, we will make a bundle: our usual unofficial profit plus the
benefit of almost infinitesimal author royalties. In fact, we’ll make a
killing on this one, Egon.”
“Good. Perhaps it is fitting that a series of fantasy murders will
pay for a real assassination or two.”
“Hush. Let us speak no more of it now. We can never be sure of
the people working here.” The publisher tiptoed like a dancing bear
to the office door and yanked it open. Satisfied that no one was at the
keyhole, he turned and smiled. “Good day, then, Mr. Fetz. You will
keep me apprised of any problems in your production schedule.”
“Yes, of course, Mr. Cockleberry,” replied the printer in a loud
voice. He stood by his office door watching the paperback magnate
locomote in a beeline to the exit. As the door opened and sunlight
burst into the building, Fetz caught a glint of brilliance off
Cockleberry’s ring. He looked at his own right hand and smiled, then
returned to work.
* * * * *