Page 9 - The Gluckman Occasional Number Two
P. 9
But they learned to hunt like Zoomer—in flat
Slow spirals while the bumbling bugs went splat
(As bugs do) and long pink tongues slurped them up.
From then he was known as Helix the Bat.
Note: certain moths have evolved a jamming signal against bat sonar.
They emit these high-frequency clicks after the bat has located them
and just as it approaches for the kill. This “phantom echo” effect
confuses the bat, disrupting its flight path. Again, Nature anticipated
Science. You don’t believe it? See: “Jamming bat echolocation: the
dogbane tiger moth Cycnia tenera times its clicks to the terminal attack
calls of the big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus.” J. H. Fullard, J. A.
Simmons and P. A. Saillant, Journal of Experimental Biology 194,
285-298 (September, 1994).