Page 111 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 111

    The Celtic festival of Lughnasadh is in August. It is a festival of light which includes bonfires and feasting. Why not make the most of the last days of summer by having a barbecue on your patio or in the garden? August might be the last chance for you to do this before the autumn sets in! Remember to ask an adult to help.
If you don’t have a garden or patio big enough to do this, you can still enjoy the feasting part of Lughnasadh! Have a go at making these delicious veggie burgers indoors instead, then wrap them in foil and take them to the park or beach and enjoy them on one of those lovely long summer evenings. Remember to take any litter home with you so that you ‘leave no trace’ – the wildlife and plants will thank you for it!

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