Page 143 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 143

     October is apple month! If you live in an area where there are a lot of apple trees, you might find lots of apples falling into the street. These are known as ‘windfalls’. They might look battered and bruised, but windfalls are excellent apples to put in pies, crumbles and cakes. They make delicious apple sauce as well, which is yummy as a dessert with ice cream or yoghurt and also goes very well with roast pork. Always check windfalls carefully as there are a lot of sleepy wasps around at this time of year and they can sometimes be found slowly munching their way through apples that have fallen to the ground. You will also need to wash windfalls and cut out any bruised flesh before you use them for cooking.
Apple Day takes place on 21st October to celebrate apples and orchards!

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