Page 32 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 32

      Toads, frogs and newts are often on the move in February. They walk and hop a long way back to their ponds to find others to breed with. This sometimes gets them into trouble, as they have to cross roads between their winter homes and their ponds.
To help prevent the amphibians from getting squashed, there are Toad Patrols up and down the country which go out in the evenings and pick the creatures up and carry them safely across the road. You can help amphibians to migrate safely by joining a patrol near you.
To find a Toad Crossing near you, go to and follow the links. It’s good fun and you can do some stargazing and wildlife-watching, too, as foxes, badgers and owls are out in the evening as well.
      Natterjack toad (ENDANGERED)
Smooth newt
     Common toad
 Common frog
   Great crested newt
Palmate newt

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