Page 93 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 93

      CHRISTINA ROSSETTI (1830–1894)
At last the school holidays are here – weeks and weeks of free time
to do whatever you like! It would be wonderful if we could rely on the weather to be fine for the whole of the holidays, but July can be a particularly stormy month. In fact, you are more likely to experience
a thunderstorm during this month than at any other time during the year. This is because storms develop when there is a layer of warm air near the ground underneath a layer of much colder air. This is much more common in the summer when the days are longer, as there is more sunshine and therefore more energy.
But don’t worry – there will still be golden days when you can rush to the beach or have long, lazy picnics in the park. And when the weather does break, just pull on some waterproof clothes and go out to splash in the puddles and breathe in the lovely smell of summer rain!

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