Page 57 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 57
But why did the Romans, under their emperor, Julius Caesar, decide to attack and conquer Britain 2,000 years ago? Simple – they thought Britain had gold, silver, lead, copper and tin, and they wanted it.
It didn’t go well to begin with. In 55 BC old Julius tried to invade Britain, but the local warriors weren’t having any of it. The next year he tried again but still had no luck. In fact, it wasn’t until almost 100 years later, in AD 43, that the Roman general Agricola, under the command of the Emperor Claudius, finally conquered Britain. Third time lucky (unless you were an Iron Age Briton, that is).
If we don´t conquer this time, I am SOOOO not going again.
We look like proper nincompoops!
I know! It´s SERIOUSLY embarrassing.
When General Agricola, under the orders of Emperor Claudius, finally succeeded in invading Britain, his army used fancy new weapons, like huge catapults called ballistas. Apparently, Claudius even rocked up with a load of war elephants! With creatures like that on his side, conquering the island must have been a much easier TUSK!
The beginning of written history