Page 18 - The Big C
P. 18
chemo treatment. God whispered His promise, “I will heal
her,” when I moved 15,544km away as she continued her
battle. The Lord reminded me of His steadfast love and
faithfulness as I fasted and prayed for her successful surgery.
I continued to worship and worship and worship. Until her
hair grew back, until her strength was renewed, and until she
could hold up her hands in victory over her battle won, in
Jesus' name. Then, after all is said and done, I will worship
Him even more.”
God, truly, You are our comfort. And with the comfort we
received from You, we could minister and boldly tell those
who are battling the “c” (cancer/covid) that the Big “C”
(Christ) can help us and that the compassionate Christ is
bigger than cancer or any difficult and painful
circumstances. For those who are facing chemotherapy
treatments, may they feel Your love as the chemo drugs
enter their veins and quickly kill the cancer cells. Minimize
the side effects and maximize the effectiveness of the chemo
drugs. I pray they will receive the blessing and comfort from
the God of all comfort. Thank You, Lord, our Menakhem!
Menakhem - Hebrew name of the Messiah which means
Read: Isaiah 40:1; Psalm 23:4; 71:21