Page 114 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 114


          This is not God’s “more than enough,” this is not God’s prosperity, and
          this is not how God wants us to live.

          Practical measures to budget, save and pay down debt are in the next
          chapter  as  well  as  some  thoughts  on  why  most  of  us  find  ourselves
          unable to save.  But again, our focus, for now, is on the Scriptures that
          teach us the wisdom of saving to reach our goals.

               He who gathers money little by little makes it grow.
                 (Proverbs 13:11)

               In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a
                 foolish man devours all he has . (Proverbs 21:20)

                           PUT YOUR MONEY OUT TO WORK

          Making your money grow means putting your money to work.  The first
          step is to gain understanding of what it means to invest and what are
          the different investment options. Do your part by spending some time
          educating yourself on the basics of the financial markets, reading articles
          and books and maybe even taking a beginner’s course. Also seek out
          expert advice, perhaps from your bank or an investment advisor within
          your  circle  of  friends  and  acquaintances.    Ask  questions  until  you
          understand clearly what you are being told. Then consider your options
          and invest your savings as wisely as you know how.

          The virtuous wife in Proverbs 31 made this kind of careful consideration
          when  the  time  came  to  decide  how  to  invest  the  proceeds  of  her
          business:  We  are  told  “She  considers  a  field  and  buys  it.  From  her
          earnings  she  plants  a  vineyard”  (Proverbs  31:16).  The  Hebrew  word
          translated ‘considers’ in this passage literally means to ‘plan, imagine,
          plot, devise, think, and purpose.’  In the same way, we must give serious
          thought to where and how we will invest our savings.

          As  mentioned,  it  is  important  to  seek  advice  from  experts  when
          investing. But once invested, do not neglect your investment but keep a
          watchful eye on how it is performing. Just as you seek advice on how to
          invest it, it is good to also seek help on whether to move it if and when
          necessary.  Let this passage of Scripture motivate you and guide you to
          steward  your  resources  well: “For riches do not endure forever ,  and a

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